Stop Making Exercise About How You Look!
Hey guys what’s up this is Tricia with MBS Protein Boost. Hope you’re having a fantastic day. I just got back from a killer hike out on camelback mountain in Scottsdale AZ.
I now have so much energy so I thought I would put it to use and create this video for you all. In this video I’m going to talk about why you should make exercise more about health and wellness and less about how you look.
1. Make your workouts more about Health and Wellness
2. Find your Tribe
3. Be Flexible
4. Reward Yourself
When you make exercise all about how you look, you fall short of your expectations you end up quitting and giving up. The first point is, make working out more about your health and wellness and less about how you look.
1. We are ultimately in charge of our own health - Not our doctors - PA - Our Mom - Wife or husband Yes doctors can fix a broken bone or a heart attack but chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, anxiety are within our control. So like I mentioned before in a previous video. We literally are what we eat. Which in short means, food is the gateway to everything healthy.
For example: You will find you have more energy Your skin will start to glow You will be more productive Worry less Sleep better More confident And you will notice that you just feel different.
2. Find your tribe (like minded people with the same goal) Having people to workout with will not only keep you accountable but will encourage, support, motivate and most important be your cheerleader when you need it the most
3. Be flexible Be gentle on yourself when you need a break! The important thing is to get back on attack as soon as possible.
4. Be proud and loud of your accomplishments no mater how small. This will motivate you to keep going. As always I love providing you information that will hopefully change your perspective on exercise. With the four points I just went over you will be a healthy happier you!
I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please show me some love by giving me a big thumbs up. You can also follow me on Facebook Instagram Twitter and YouTube. I appreciate you, I love you and until next time be kind to one another peace, love Namaste 🙏 ❤️ #exercise #exerciseismedicine #befit #fitnessmotivation #fitnessgirl #fitlife #fitfam #fitstagram #fitnessjourney #healthylifestyle #healthandwellness #healthyfood #healthyliving #healthyfoodie