Full Body Workout At Home With Resistance Bands. You don’t need heavy weights or heavy equipment to get a full body workout, all you need is a resistance band. Resistance bands are an affordable, lightweight, convenient tool to get a full body workout from anywhere (the park, the beach, while vacationing… Resistance Band workout
1. Chest Press 2. Overhead Tricep Extension 3. Bent Over Band Rows 4. Bicep Curl 5. Squats 6. Squat Into a Shoulder Press 7. Shoulder Press 8. Front Raises 9. Russian Twist (core) 10. V-Sit (Core)
For each exercise you want to do 3 sets and 12-15 reps per exercise. So get started today building strength, toning it up, while burning fat. . #resistancebandsworkout #homeworkout #affordable #lightweight #toneitup #fullbodyworkouts