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Challenges Are A Call To Action

Writer's picture: Tricia MBSTricia MBS

Updated: Jan 10, 2021

Around every struggle, every challenge, every disappointment there is an opportunity for growth, so embrace those challenges like a “bad ass” so your tomorrows will be better than your today's. Progress is not possible if we don’t deviate from what we’ve been doing.

Don’t let your challenges defeat you. Look at your challenges as a call to action to prepare yourself for the next phase of your life. Life challenges aren’t meant to keep you stuck, they’re there so you can discover what your truly made of. Success does not come without struggles, hard work and many disappointments. The journey to success (however you personally define success) is a constant uphill climb with many crossroads but the view from the top is spectacular and well worth it!

Hey guys what’s up this is Tricia with Mind•Body•Soul (MBS) hope your day is off to a great start. In this video I’m going to go over some key points that have helped me along my journey as I navigate the muddy waters of life.

1- Growth

Around every struggle, every challenge, every disappointment there is an opportunity for growth, so embrace those challenges like a “bad ass” so your tomorrows will be better than your todays. Progress is not possible if we don’t deviate from what we’ve been doing.

2. Be Flexible

Opportunities are not handed to you, you have to create them with your blood, sweat, and tears. You have to be willing to be flexible along the way and adapt to the changes. I look at failures as opportunities to learn, grow and redirect my energy that are in alignment with my goal towards greatness.

3. Hard Work

There are no shortcuts to achieving greatness, it takes hard work, consistency, and pushing through when you feel like giving up. It’s so easy to get distracted by all the stimulus in our environment but success comes from being razor focused on the vision, the goal, and then taking action everyday to reach it. You can have all the smarts in the world but if you don’t have the drive, the passion, a hard work ethic or the will to focus, then your dream will be just that, a dream that will just stay floating out there in the Universe.

4. Stay Positive

Lastly, stay positive in the midst of chaos. Every thought you think is creating your reality. The one thing I have learned as I navigate this entrepreneur life, is that when things don’t go according to my plan, I take a deep breath, let go of what I think it’s suppose to look like, be flexible, and have a “whatever it takes” attitude moving forward. Life can be a wild rollercoaster ride or it can be a beautiful mystery, so embrace every moment as if you chose it!

As always I love creating these videos to hopefully bring value and a whole new perspective on how you view life. I hope you enjoyed this video, if you did please show me some love by giving me a big thumbs up. You can also follow me on Facebook Instagram Twitter and YouTube. I appreciate you, I love you and until next time be kind to one another Peace, Love, Namaste ❤️🙏

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